Friday, 26 December 2008
Why so Serious?
Well, anything can happen and there will always be someone better. I guess this is a advertising gimmick. It'll attract many guys to try to seek advice from this "self-learnt dating guru" and his concept of "Why so serious?".
Hmm... I guess this refers to being and having fun during the 1st few dates instead of being too serious. This will create a relax environment for both to enjoy the time together. But I believe once the relationship starts to settle in, it will become a serious affair. There's only two ways to search - to cast a net to catch many or to use a fishing rod to identify one. I prefer using the fishing rod with specific fish bait. If one knows what wants, there'll no need to go for so many dates and will be able to narrow down the search to the more specifics.
Understanding a person takes more than a few dates. Various forms of communication and asking issues that one places high importance can be used to understand a person better. The individual him/herself is the key because if one does not have a good character, no matter how many dates he/she goes, it'll still not bear fruit. Even if it bear fruit, it might not be a long lasting one.
This is something I've realised over the years from seeing the things that happen to people around me.
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Merry Christmas and Big feast

One of my fav christmas presents - cookies (very delicious) hmm... seems all my christmas presents are food. Must have seen that I've shrunk quite a bit and want me to gain weight. Oh... I've just dropped to my ideal weight. Can't regain back those weights again. But I'm gonna finish this cookies.

Christmas eve dinner with family - cooked spaghetti (learnt from my bro, still not so bad for the 1st time) Side dish done by my bro - squid cooked with sweet sour chilli sauce (brings out the taste) Oh ya... we found a small fish inside the squid. I guess it must have a full dinner before being caught by fisherman.
Hehe.... my grandma's christmas dinner (a little plain and not so sumptuous but she enjoyed it. Quite long since she had big feast)
Delicious christmas dinner (beef steak, pizza and pork strips)
Had a very relaxing day on christmas and had 2 sumptuous dinners. Oh... hope I don't grow fat after these 2 days of eating. And there's new year and CNY next month. Hmm... Gonna start my exercise regime. Otherwise I'll lose target of my ideal weight. Hehe...
Wishing everyone a wonderful and smooth year ahead.
Monday, 22 December 2008
Problem Solved
The reason for putting up this topic is because I was travelling on the mrt today and I saw this t-shirt design that has two pictures. Ok... I know visualizing from words is a little difficult but please try to. Couldn't take the picture of it though as I might be being questioned by the wearer.
There's two pictures. One indicates a problem, the other indicates that it is solved. The picture indicates the problem shows that a figure of a woman shouting at a man. The other picture shows the man wearing a headphone while the woman keeps on shouting. Haha... seems stereotyping here. Woman is the one nagging and shouting while the man is the one bearing with all this. Putting on a headphone will not solve the problem it will only cause rift between the two as this is running away from the problem rather than facing it.
Yes the pictures are for fun and I should not take it so seriously but these pictures will impart certain things to others who take them as it is and eventually will never learn to resolve the problem.