Thursday, 16 April 2009

Performance Appraisal

Oh... today on 16 April 2009, I had my 1st performance appraisal since I entered the working world. The pre-appraisal was quite tiring for me. We had to gather all the information about myself like filling up portions of the appraisal form, any compliments from tenants, the budget report to be updated, any creative ideas that I had come up with, etc. My 1st appraisal got to prepare so many things... Didn't know had to prepare so many things until I called my admin colleague and was franatically searching for these things almost the whole afternoon yesterday.

Just before the appraisal, I was a little nervous as its my 1st appraisal. I'm uncertain what is the superior's impression about me. During the appraisal, I find that my superior is a very nice person. He's not someone whose biase and is a easy-going person. I'm lucky to have him as my superior. He really takes care of staff that are with him. I hope to be able to learn more from him.

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