Sunday, 3 August 2008

Capture a passing thought

Loving your partner should be considered more than loving your parents and siblings.

I believe it is so.

I find it a little incredible if one love his/her partner without first learning to love one's parents and siblings. I doubt the person will be able to love his/her partner well enough. Without being able to give your care and concern to your parents and siblings how can one love his/her partner wholeheartedly.

A simple analogy. If a child is not able to pass primary one, how can he/she go on to primary two. Its the same as loving one's partner. Without first loving one's parents and siblings, how then can one be able to love his/her partner?

Just like there are many different standards in primary schools. There are many different benchmark to this "love" because each individual is different. But moral values and personal feelings are the universal rules to loving those around you.


Unknown said...

I guess in certain case, we can skip "primary 1". hehe... The more critial factor here is "love". As long as one knows how to love, including loving oneself, he/she can love his/her partner even without loving his/her family (in some case of broken family). Loving a partner to me is like loving yourself. Your partner should be a part of you. Love him/her with your life. Life will be different without them. When you can do that, you have truly open up your heart to love.

A Place to Chow said...

The love of family will help build a better person. No doubt, there's always an exception but these are rare.

It's like a cycle. The love of family will transform into a better person who can build a nice family and will impart such love to their offspring.